
An account must be created on the Wirex Pay Chain before proceeding with the user creation process.


Wirex Pay requires you to create a user and conduct KYC process before issuing a card to comply with regulatory standards, enhance security, and prevent fraudulent activities. This verification process, known as Know Your Customer (KYC), involves confirming personal information and identity documents to ensure compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations. On the later stages or in case some red flags were raised Wirex Pay may require user to submit Proof Of Address (POA) documents and Source Of Funds (SOF) documents. By verifying users' identities, Wirex Pay can offer a secure and compliant service, protecting both the platform and its users.

Step 1: Create User

The first step of this section involves user creation in Wirex Pay system. To do this, you need to send a Create a new userrequest to the Wirex Pay Business API, providing the required details, such as wallet address, email and country code. For a comprehensive list of supported countries, refer to the following link. By doing so a new user would be created in Wirex Pay system that would be linked to the email and wallet address provided in the request.


Please keep in mind that both wallet address and email should be unique, meaning you cannot create multiple accounts sharing the same email but with different wallets and vice versa.


Please note - for successful user creation on-chain account registration is requaried and country must be supported.

Step 2: Get Verification Link

Once the user is created, he would need to pass KYC process in order to be able to use services provider by Wirex Pay. To do so you would need to obtaining a verification link using Wirex Pay API. THis link would lead user to the KYC provider, SumSub..

It would be a good ides to notify the user about the documents and information he would be required to submit in order to streamline the process.

Step 3: Verification Process

Upon opening the link user would be presented with a verification widget that would collect all necessary data and guide user through different steps of the process. In the same time Wirex Pay would issue a series of web-hooks described here Webhooks with updates of user status throughout the verification.

Step 4: Confirm Phone

The final step is phone number confirmation. This step is required because Wirex Pay uses SMS channel to deliver OTP messages to user in the process of payment confirmation (3DS). So, in order to ensure that user would receive OPT at the correct phone number we require you to either use confirmation process provided by us, or use your own confirmation process if you have one in place.

  • First things first - you need to provide Wirex Pay with user phone number, which can be done using Update phone number request.
    • In case you have your own confirmation process in place you can specify is_confirmed parameter as true while providing user phone number and skip the rest of the steps.
  • Once done, you have to request an OTP code that would be sent to provided phone number using Request SMS code endpoint
  • Upon OTP delivery you need to ask user for this code and retrieve confirmation token using Verify SMS code
  • Using mentioned token you should call Confirm phone number to finish the confirmation process

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